Seven days in Tuscany

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Exploring the beauty of this amazing Italian region

Welcome to Tuscany, the land of rolling hills, picturesque vineyards, and charming medieval towns. I have visited Tuscany twice and would travel there again and again in a heart-beat. If you’re looking for a destination that offers a perfect blend of art, history, and natural beauty, then Tuscany should be at the top of your travel list. In this article, we’ll take you on a journey through this enchanting region and provide you with a one-week itinerary that will allow you to experience the very best of Tuscany.

Day 1: Florence – The Cradle of the Renaissance

Start your Tuscany adventure in the magnificent city of Florence. Immerse yourself in the rich art and culture as you explore the iconic sights such as the Duomo, the Uffizi Gallery, and the Ponte Vecchio. To me this is the true capital of Italy and no other Italian city beats it in terms of architecture. The food here is amazing though tourist traps are abundant. A must visit place in Florence is the Bobboli Gardens, which are amazing and breathtaking to say the least.

Day 2: Siena – A Medieval Gem

On day two, head south to the medieval city of Siena, the star of Tuscany. Lose yourself in the narrow, winding streets of the historic center and visit the magnificent Siena Cathedral. The entire atmosphere is romantic and nostalgic. There is a unique feel to this place that simply boosts your seratonin levels. The thrilling Palio horse race takes place here, and is held twice a year in the Piazza del Campo. I would avoid this event as the the city will be busy as hell. Get your hands on some panforte and ricciarelli, which are simply devine tradiotal dishes to satisfy your sweet-tooth. There are fantastic restaurants and bars in Siena some of which feature arts depicting Malta and the great seige (which was unexpected to be honest).

Day 3: San Gimignano – The Town of Towers

Continue your Tuscan adventure by visiting the charming hilltop town of San Gimignano. Famous for its medieval towers that dot the skyline, this UNESCO World Heritage Site offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Explore the town’s narrow streets, visit the Collegiate Church, and indulge in some locally produced saffron-infused dishes.

Day 4: Greve in Chianti – Beyond the Leaning Tower

Nestled in the heart of Tuscany, Greve in Chianti beckons with its amazing landscapes, medieval charm, and renowned wine heritage. Surrounded by vineyards and olive groves, the central square, Piazza Matteotti, is the perfect starting point. Here, explore the historic markets and sample local produce, from Chianti Classico wines to artisanal cheeses. Take a stroll through the picturesque streets lined with traditional Tuscan architecture, and visit the Church of Santa Croc. For a deeper immersion into the region’s wine culture, indulge in wine tastings at the numerous vineyards and wineries dotting the countryside. My personal suggestion would be Castello di Querceto.

Day 5: Val d’Orcia – A Scenic Retreat

Escape the bustling cities and immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes of the Val d’Orcia. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is known for its rolling hills, cypress trees, and picturesque villages. Take a leisurely drive through the countryside, stopping at charming towns like Montalcino and Pienza. Don’t forget to sample the region’s famous pecorino cheese and sip on a glass of Brunello di Montalcino wine.

Day 6: Lucca – A Hidden Gem

Head northwest to the charming city of Lucca, often overlooked by tourists. Encircled by Renaissance-era walls, Lucca offers a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere. Rent a bike and cycle along the walls, visit the stunning Lucca Cathedral, and explore the narrow streets lined with boutique shops and cozy cafes. Don’t miss the chance to try the local specialty, buccellato, a sweet bread filled with raisins and anise.

Day 7: Cinque Terre – Coastal Paradise

End your one-week journey through Tuscany with a visit to the breathtaking Cinque Terre. This collection of five colorful fishing villages perched on the cliffs of the Ligurian Coast is a sight to behold. Hike along the famous coastal trail, sample fresh seafood, and take a dip in the crystal-clear waters. Make sure to capture the stunning sunset views before bidding farewell to Tuscany.

To conclude

Tuscany is a destination that will captivate your heart and leave you yearning for more. I have been in Tuscany twice before and feel like I have yet to discover and experience more. With its rich history, stunning landscapes, and delectable cuisine, it offers a truly unforgettable experience. Follow this one-week itinerary to make the most of your time in Tuscany, but don’t be afraid to get lost along the way and discover your own hidden gems. Buon viaggio!

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